
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


Why do we have cross- cutting actions ?

The cross-cutting actions reinforce the impact of the projects of three priority programmes of Empowering Response Burundi. These capacity building actions cover several areas, namely local governance, peaceful conflict management, and the fight against sexual and gender-based violence. Often, based on these cross-cutting actions and related approaches, projects are developed through calls for proposals

Cross- cutting actions 1 : Fostering the good local governance and social cohesion

 ERB is intervening in governance and social cohesion through the following main actions :

  • Capacity building of the population for citizen participation
  • Capacity building of local authorities in accountability
  • Training in community conflict prevention and the rule of law
  • Sensitization and training of mechanisms of fighting against Gender-based sexual violence (GBSV)
  • Capacity building on social cohesion

Approaches of cross-cutting actions 1 :

  • Peace Clubs for social cohesion and community security
  • Citizen Vigilance for citizen participation in the collection and management of communal resources
  • DO NO HARM for conflict prevention and resolution
  • MARP: Accelerated Method of Participatory Research for community planning.
  • Abatangamuco to resolve conflicts related to Gender Based Violence

Cross-cutting actions 2 : Research and development

Research is the spearhead in the implementation of projects and programs of ERB. Most specifically, it embraces the new innovations and technologies to increase the agricultural productivity, health as well as climate challenges.

Cross- cutting actions 3 : Providing emergency response and humanitarian assistance.

 Our humanitarian assistance consists of 2 types of interventions :

  • Emergency relief: short term, life-saving activities supporting the immediate needs of people. Services are provided in the sectors of: food & food security, shelter & Non-food items, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH), protection mainstreaming, and cash-based interventions.
  • Recovery and resilience: Together with the communities involved, we assess the impact of disasters and address resilience gaps with all members of afflicted and affected communities.  This impedes the cycle of repeated disasters and is the basis for contingency planning and the implementation of recovery activities.

Cross-cutting 4 : Providing community based-health care

Community based-health care activities shall be considered as be considered as the cross-cutting to program of sustainable food security and nutrition.  ERB is focusing on the following cross- actions :

  • Contributing in Family Planning and Sexual reproductive in rural communities.
  • Preventing stunting in children and manage all forms of malnutrition
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