In 2003, the NGO Empowering Response Burundi-ERB was created by a group of intellectuals and professionals in the field of socioeconomic development to bring their skills and experiences to the reconstruction and restoration of the hope of the Burundians after more than 10 years of civil war that broke out in 1993 following the assassination of Republic President Melchior Ndadaye.
The numbers of poor and hungry households have increased after the civil war. The founders and members of this organization had a belief that poverty; hunger, ignorance, social injustice are among the great challenges that must be addressed to establish peace and sustainable development in Burundi.

The mission is built on a conviction that it is possible to fight against poverty; hunger; ignorance and social injustice from the social and economic potential of disadvantaged communities and families. Since its inception, ERB has used the holistic approach to help poor communities and families develop their capacities. Since 2003, ERB has forged various partnerships with which we share the same mission or strategic objectives. The NGO Empowering Response continues to make organizational and operational changes. In a constantly changing world, our NGO must be able to adapt to new ideas, environmental, economic, political and social circumstances of the profoundly changing world.
To embrace strategic change, a regional organization called the “Empowering Response East African Community” EREAC was formed in 2019 to extend the vision of the NGO Empowering Response in the countries of the East African Community. The creation of the Regional Non-Governmental Organization Empowering Response EAC (EREAC) is the emanation of leaders and professionals in socioeconomic development from several horizons and from different countries who would like to participate in the fight against poverty, hunger and strengthening of local governance in the countries of the East Africa Community and the South of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).