
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


Executive Director
20 Years
+257 79 93 49 20

Muvandimwe Lin Biography

BWith more than 20 years of experience in working with Non-profit Organizations both National and International, Lin MUVANDIMWE is bringing a wealth of his background to Empowering Response East Africa Community (EREAC). Prior to working with Empowering Response East Africa MUVANDIMWE Lin served as senior Manager in several International Organizations and gained a strong track record in management and leadership. Based on these distinguished knowledge and skills on organizations management, he has tremendously contributed in creating and growing of Empowering Response East Africa Community (EREAC). Passionate about alleviating poverty, he is committed to achieving transformation and mind change of poor people of EAC Countries through holistic and results- oriented approaches.

He holds a Master Degree in Organizational Leadership from International Leadership University based in USA and a Bachelor Degree Law from National University of Burundi.

He currently serves as the Executive Director of Empowering Response East Africa Community (EREAC) while sitting as the Legal Secretary in the Executive and Governance Committee of EREAC Board of Directors.

Lin MUVANDIMWE main target is to be “a resolute advocate for poverty alleviation of many poor women and young in Africa”.

He is committed to inspiring and motivating a new generation of young leaders for combat and advocacy to free poor people from injustice, poverty and ignorance”.

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